Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The emotional basis for Anxiety is Fear. Unlike Fear, which relates primarily to the past, Anxiety is a future oriented emotion. So, Anxiety is basically Fear of the future.

The procedure for treating Anxiety is as simple and easy as any other Time Line Therapy (trademarked)technique. Simply put, we treat Fear first and then Anxiety. The two emotions are, however treated differently.

Using Time Line Therapy, Fear (related to the past) is treated in the same way as any other negative emotion — it is released using the process for releasing negative emotions. Anxiety, although relating to the future can also be released using Time Line Therapy, although the procedure is different.

The process of Cancer

The Process of Cancer: Now how do you use this information to assist the healing process using Time Line Therapy (trademarked) Techniques? It seems that there are two main stages in the process of cancer:

1. The Disease Phase: SEE occurs, the client has no strategy for dealing with the trauma, the emotion is trapped in an area of the brain, the brain begins to send wrong signals to the area of the body, and a tumor growth occurs in a corresponding area of the body. During this phase, the patient feels uncomfortable, tense, sometimes sleepless, and has cold hands and feet. This indicates activity of the sympathetic nervous system. (The sympathetic nervous system is the system that we use in thinking, planning, action, etc.) A healthy person can switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system at will. During the Disease Phase the client is in the sympathetic system only.

2. The Healing Phase: The SEE is released, conflict is resolved, the trapped emotion in the brain is released, an edema in the area of the brain occurs, and the tumor stops growing. In this phase the client immediately switches to the parasympathetic system. The client will feel relaxed, tired, will need more sleep and be more hungry.

Cancer = SEE

I learned a technique created by Tad James. Time line therapy is wonderful tool. He has done a lot of research. I am so happy to learn this. He wrote about time line therapy and Dr. Hammer. I can’t post the article because it is against the rules. Want to see more go to my website hope-giving-life.com/About Dr. Hammer.html


Dr. Tad James states that not only does the release of negative emotions clear up physical health, it also has the potential to improve the mental and emotional health of the person.

Dr. Hammer flatly states that all cancer starts with a severe psychological conflict that throws you into shock. He says, "You isolate yourself, and do not share your emotions with others. You are upset and do not share with others--you're obsessed about the conflict. This conflict changes your life completely--you will never be the same." (This is a description of a major Significant Emotional Experience, or SEE.) This type of SEE, according to Hammer, usually occurs on the average of one to three years prior to the onset of the first symptoms of cancer.

Trapped Emotions: When the SEE occurs, the emotions associated with the SEE are trapped in a certain spot in the brain, and according to Hammer, a "short circuit" occurs. (He says that the physiological process is close to, or like a stroke.) In his work (originally available in German), Hammer has related the spot in the brain, with the tumor location in the body, with the type of trauma which caused it.

When a major SEE like this occurs, according to Hammer, there is a trapped emotion in the brain, the brain suffers something like a mild stroke and starts sending wrong information to a certain part of the body, and then a cancer growth starts in that area. The nature of the SEE determines the area of the brain, and the type of cancer. The rate of growth is also dependent on the SEE. As soon as the SEE is released, Hammer says, there is an immediate edema that occurs in the area where the trapped emotions were. This edema can be seen on a CT-Scan! Once the edema occurs, the cancer growth stops, and healing begins.

According to Hammer, carcinogens do not play a major role in the creation of cancer.
Hammer says, that the immune system does not have to fight cancer cells. The immune system does not even have to recognize cancer cells, because the problem is in the brain--the answer is to heal the brain.

From Recent Trauma: Hammer says that it is not the childhood trauma that causes the cancer; it is a more recent trauma. It is also important to understand that it is the first event that allows the more recent SEE to create a lesion in the brain.